
Gone With The Wind quote - Maybe they ain't as good Christians

Quote from Gone With The Wind with Olivia de Havilland as Melanie, Vivien Leigh as Scarlett, Ona Munson as Belle Watling, Leona Roberts as Mrs. Meade, Eddie Anderson as Uncle Peter, and his quote snapshot picture
  Gone With The Wind - Maybe they ain't as good Christians - snapshot picture quote Belle Watling quote: I've been sitting by this curb one solid hour waiting to speak to you, Miss Wilkes. Uncle Peter: Go on, you trash, don't you be pestering these ladies. Scarlett: Don't talk to her, Melly. Melanie: It's all right, Scarlett. Who are you? Belle Watling: My name's Belle Watling. But that don't matter. I expect you think I've got no business here. Melanie quote: Hadn't you best tell me what you want to see me about? Belle Watling: First time I come here, I says, Belle, you're a nurse. But the ladies didn't want my kind of nursing. Well, they was more than likely right. Then I tried giving them money. My money wasn't good enough for them, either. Old peahens! I know a gentleman who says you're a human being. If you are, which they ain't, you'll take my money for the hospital. Mrs. Meade quote: What are you doing here? Haven't you been told twice already? Belle Watling: This time I'm conversing with Miss Wilkes. You might as well take my money, Miss Wilkes. It's good money, even if it is mine. Melanie: I'm sure you're very generous. Belle Watling: No, I'm not. I'm a Confederate like everybody else, that's all. Melanie: Of course you are. Belle Watling: Some folks here wouldn't feel that way. But maybe they ain't as good Christians as you. Melanie: Look, Mrs. Meade. It's a great deal of money. $10, $20, $30, $50. And it's not our paper money. It's gold. Scarlett quote: Let me see that handkerchief. R. B. And she's driving away in Rhett Butler's carriage! Oh, if I just wasn't a lady what wouldn't I tell that varmint! >>> more quotes from Gone With The Wind