
Gone With The Wind 8 Mother online

with movie related dialogues; watch the film part 8, read or download pictures and quotes with snapshot frame from this great passion of all time, a symbol of the golden age of Hollywood; Gone With The Wind 8 dialogues: We're home! We're at Tara! Hurry! Move, you brute! Miss Scarlett, he's dead! I can't see the house! Is it there? I can't see the house. Have they burned it? Oh, it's all right. It's all right! They haven't burned it! It's still there! Mother! Mother! I'm home. Mother! Mother! I'm home. Mother, let me in. It's me, Scarlett! Pa! Oh, Pa! I'm home! I'm home! Katie. Katie Scarlett. Oh, darling. Mammy! Mammy, I'm home. Honey, honey child! Oh, Mammy, I'm so Where's Mother? Why Miss Suellen and Miss Carreen, they was sick with the typhoid. They had it bad, but they's doing all right now. Just weak like little kittens. But where's Mother? Well Miss Ellen, she went down to nurse that Emmie Slattery, that white trash and she took down with it, too. And last night, she... Mother! Mother. Miss Scarlett, honey. If there's anything I can do, Miss Scarlett What did you do with Miss Melly? Don't you worry your pretty head about Miss Melly, child. I done slapped her in bed already, along with the baby. You better put that cow I brought into the barn, Pork. There ain't no barn no more, Miss Scarlett. The Yankees done burned it for firewood. They used the house for their headquarters. They camped all around the place. Yankees in Tara! Yes, ma'am, and they stole most everything they didn't burn. All the clothes and all the rugs and even Miss Ellen's rosaries. I'm starving, Pork. Get me something to eat. There ain't nothing to eat, honey. They took it all. All the chickens, everything? They took them the first thing. And what they didn't eat they carried off across their saddles. Don't tell me any more about what they did! What's this, Pa? Whiskey? Yes, daughter. Katie Scarlett, that's enough! You're not knowing spirits, you'll make yourself tipsy. I hope it makes me drunk. I'd like to be drunk. Oh, Pa. What are those papers? Bonds. They're all we've saved. All we have left. Bonds. What kind of bonds, Pa? Why, Confederate bonds, of course, daughter. Confederate bonds. What good are they to anybody? I'll not have you talking like that, Katie Scarlett. Oh, Pa, what are we going to do with no money and nothing to eat? We must ask your mother. That's it! We must ask Mrs. O'Hara. Ask Mother? Yes. Mrs. O'Hara will know what's to be done. Now don't be bothering me. Go out for a ride. I'm busy. Oh, Pa don't worry about anything. Katie Scarlett's home. You needn't worry. Miss Scarlett. What are we gonna to do with nothing to feed those sick folks and that child? I don't know, Mammy. I don't know. We ain't got nothing but radishes in the garden. Miss Scarlett, Miss Suellen and Miss Carreen they's fussing to be sponged off. Where are the other servants, Mammy? Miss Scarlett, there's only just me and Pork left. The others went off to the war or runned away. I can't take care of that baby and sick folks, too. I's only got two hands. Who's going to milk that cow, Miss Scarlett? We's houseworkers. As God is my witness As God is my witness, they're not going to lick me. I'm going to live through this, and when it's all over, I'll never be hungry again. No, nor any of my folks. If I have to lie, steal, cheat or... As God is my witness, I'll never be hungry again!

But where's Mother?
But where's Mother?
  Gone With The Wind 8 picture
There ain't nothing to eat
  Oh, Pa! I'm home!
Oh, Pa! I'm home!
She went down to nurse Well Miss Ellen, she went down to nurse that Emmie Slattery, and she took down with it, too.   Image from Gone With The Wind part 8 - House for their headquarters Image from Gone With The Wind part 8 - They used the house for their headquarters.   Katie Scarlett's home Oh, Pa don't worry about anything. Katie Scarlett's home. You needn't worry.

Gone With The Wind quotes with snapshot frame picture from part 8

As God is my witness   Scarlett: As God is my witness, they're not going to lick me. I'm going to live through this, and when it's all over, I'll never be hungry again. No, nor any of my folks. If I have to lie, steal, cheat or . As God is my witness, I'll never be hungry again!
Read the full quotes from Gone With The Wind part 8

You can also watch on line the others parts of Gone With The Wind: 1 Tara, 2 Twelve Oaks, 3 O'Hara, 4 Ashley, 5 Melanie, 6 Meade, 7 Yankees, 9 Georgia, 10 Scarlett, 11 Atlanta, 12 Kennedy, 13 Wilkes, 14 Mammy, 15 Butler, 16 Bonnie, 17 Melly, 18 Rhett.