
Life and Adventures of Santa Claus part 3 Nicholas's house should look

with Nicholas, Lord of Lerd, Natalie, Princess of Lerd, Ak, Necile, Wisk, Peter Knook, Wagif Knook. Movie transcript and snapshot pictures 3 BLACKSMITH: No time off, any of you. Keep working, you little bratsKeep working, you little brats. BOY: Yes, sir. NICHOLAS: Awgwas? AK: Yes, Wisk was pretty close on that one, was he not? They cause much trouble, particularly among children. They are mean-spirited beings. Humans have trouble enough without their interference. BLACKSMITH: You think that's funny, do you? BOY: No, sir! Wasn't us what done it! BLACKSMITH: Stop your lying. Get insideGet inside. AK: Be gone, you useless creatures! BLACKSMITH: Only children who can work belong here, boy. ETHAN: But I could work, sir. BLACKSMITH: You? Ah, be off with you! Go on, back to work! AK: We cannot intervene! There is more to see. NICHOLAS: Wow! NATALIE: Father, may any of those children be allowed in to playFather, may any of those children be allowed in to play? LORD OF LERD: No, dear. For the hundredth time, no. They are wretched and poor. NATALIE: What makes them poor, Father? LORD OF LERD: They are made poor, my child, by the fact that, unlike you, they have nothing. NATALIE: They have one thing I do not. LORD OF LERD: What would that be? NATALIE: They have other children, friendsThey have other children, friends. LORD OF LERD: Other children? What a dreadful thought! Go inside, dear, the view is much nicer. NATALIE: Yes, Father. NICHOLAS: Life here seems so unfair, Ak. Some have much, others have little. And the children, they seem to be denied even a chance to better their lot. AK: Fairness is not part of the human condition. NICHOLAS: Even among the little ones? AK: By the time these children are grown, they will have learned to be unjust as well. It is human to do so. NICHOLAS: But I am human! I will never be like them! You don't think I will, do you? AK: I do not know, Nicholas, what you will be. That is yours to discover. It is the greatest task, I believe, any human has to undertakeIt is the greatest task, I believe, any human has to undertake. Your son is blessed with a fine heart, Necile. Let us pray that mankind does not break it. NICHOLAS: Ak, you forgot your sash. AK: Keep it. Someday you may find a use for it. NECILE: Oh, it is good to have you home, Nicholas. Was it a difficult journey? NICHOLAS: I have been blessed, mother, but other human children lead such sad lives. I wish I could do something to help them, but I have no magic. NECILE: You will find a way, I am sure of thatYou will find a way, I am sure of that. AK: In only a few years Nick began to find his way. The time came for a human-sized home of his own. Of course, there would always be room for a pixie. NICHOLAS: So, how about we settle down here, sort of halfway. WISK: Here? NICHOLAS: The Valley of Hohaho. We're still close to Mother, but close enough to the humans. That way, I can walk to either place. We need to pick a spot for a house. WISK: Hmm. How about under here? NICHOLAS: Uh, I don't think there's room for a house. WISK: Ow! What is a house, anyway? NICHOLAS: Come on. We need logs. WISK: Can't we just chop down those trees? NICHOLAS: Shh. Don't let the Knooks hear you say that. Trees are the most noble things on earthTrees are the most noble things on earth. We'll just collect some fallen trees. WISK: Fallen trees? Where? NICHOLAS: Miles around. We'll drag them here. WISK: Uh. Won't that be a lot of work? NICHOLAS: If we do it right. WISK: Oh. PETER: Right. We'll move the logs. Wagif, you keep an eye on those two. If they stir, throw this pinecone. WAGIF: If they stir, throw this pinecone. Ooh. NECILE: Oh, my! This looks exactly like Nicholas's house should lookThis looks exactly like Nicholas's house should look. I think. PETER: Wagif, I thought you were watching. WAGIF Aye, pixie woke up. PETER: So? WAGIF: So I whacked him with the pinecone, just like you said. PETER: Wagif, I said to signal us with the pinecone. WAGIF: Oh. You did? Well, he's certainly sleeping now. PETER: Ah. WOOD NYMPH: Make haste. Sunrise is approaching! NICHOLAS: Huh? Wisk! Wake up! Our logs, they're gone! WISK: Huh? Oh, man! I feel like I got hit in the head with a pinecone. NICHOLAS: I don't understand, why would... Oh, my goodness! This is magnificent! This is a house, Wisk. Everybody in Burzee must have been here last night. What's this on the bed? Whoa. WISK: The sack is moving! NICHOLAS: For Nicholas. A new friend for your new home. Ak says that humans like these, so I hope you like her, too. With love, Mother. NOTE: To watch the pictures in high resolution, click on them

Watch songs from original soundtrack and other parts of movie
Watch Building A House
Building A House
  Watch Santa's First Annual Christmas Sleigh Ride
Santa's First Annual Christmas Sleigh Ride
  Watch In The World To Come
In The World To Come
Life and Adventures of Santa Claus (2000)
Life and Adventures of Santa Claus (2000)
  2 will ever be allowed here
2 will ever be allowed here
  3 Nicholas's house should look
3 Nicholas's house should look
  4 come back soon
4 come back soon
5 making toys for children
5 making toys for children
  6 reindeer put this sleigh
6 reindeer put this sleigh
  7 a bit of fairy dust for you
7 a bit of fairy dust for you
  8 we seek the gift of immortality
8 we seek the gift of immortality