
A Dinosaur's Story part 7 will show up

Pictures and full quotes CECILIA: What's happened to them, Mr. Stubbs? STUBBS: The professor gave them some stuff that sent them off the deep end. That's why he tore up your contracts. That was a deal they made.
LOUIE: So, they're this way 'cause of me. STUBBS: I guess so. He's featuring them in the show tonightHe's featuring them in the show tonight. All the usual weirdoes will show upAll the usual weirdoes will show up, I'm sure. LOUIE: Stubbs, you gotta get us in that show. STUBBS: I can't do that. LOUIE: Don't you see? They did this for us. This guy's crazy, Stubbs. He's never gonna laugh at your jokes. STUBBS: All right, I'll get you in, but not 'cause of what you said. 'Cause of her and you, when you laughed. Come on, I gotta get ready for the show. ACTOR: Showtime. LOUIE: You bunch of dopes! CECILIA: Um, boo. LOUIE: Boo? Is that the best you can do? They're easy enough to scareThey're easy enough to scare. See? CECILIA: But, Louie, I don't want to scare anybody. LOUIE: Well, neither do I, but do you want to get busted? CECILIA: All right, I'll try. I don't understand these people. STUBBS: Don't you see? That's why they come, to get scared. Simple as that. Oh, the show's starting up. We better get to our places. We're in the opening bit. PROFESSOR SCREWEYES: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the most terrifying show on the planet Earth, Professor Screweyes' Eccentric Circus! We will scare you. We will frighten you. We will shock you witless with our dreadful, terrifying, vile, monstrous program. Ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, I give you the infernal grand demon parade. STUBBS: Okay, this is it. Just look scary and wave your pitchforks. CECILIA: Louie, I feel so silly. What is wrong with these people? LOUIE: I don't know, but I've never seen so many tonsils in my lifeI've never seen so many tonsils in my life. PROFESSOR SCREWEYES: Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the most fearsome creatures of your darkest dreams. I give you monsters! PACK-MAN: Smelling salts here, two for a dollar. Smelling salts. CECILIA: Oh, Louie, Louie, what can we do? LOUIE: I don't know. STUBBS: There's nothing you can do. PROFESSOR SCREWEYES: And now I will attempt the impossible. I will attempt to master the most fearsome of all the dinosaur clan, the ultimate set of teeth in the history of the world. The mighty Tyrannosaurus Rex. Look into my eye, you bloodthirsty thing. Remove his shackles. Now, take two giant steps. Take two steps toward the audience. So you see, the creature that scares you all does what I say. I am the master of fear and I am not afraid! Oh, no. No. STUBBS: The professor. He's gonna kill the professor. LOUIE: Rex, no. Don't do it. CECILIA: Louie! STUBBS: What are you, crazy? You'll be pulverized. LOUIE: No, don't do it.
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Watch other parts of movie
We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story (1993)
We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story (1993)
  2 I wish I could see
2 I wish I could see
  3 Welcome to New York City
3 Welcome to New York City
  4 see real dinosaurs
4 see real dinosaurs
5 Screweyes Eccentric Circus
5 Screweyes Eccentric Circus
  6 to be monsters
6 to be monsters
  7 will show up
7 will show up
  8 original tough guy
8 original tough guy