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Foreign contaminant on Axiom

video quotes from WALL-E with EVE, WALL-E, M-O, Go-4, Secur-T, Auto, John, PR-T the Beautician-Bot
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Quotes WALL-E: Oh! Uh-oh. Oh! EVE. Whoa! Whoa! EVE. Oh! M-O: Foreign contaminant. Oh! WALL-E: Uh-oh. M-O: Foreign contaminantForeign contaminant WALL-E Whoa! M-O: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Huh? WALL-E: EVE! M-O: Huh? Foreign contaminant. WALL-E: EVE. EVE!
JOHN: I've been in my cabin all morning, so let's hover over to the driving range and hit a few virtual balls into space.
PASSENGER: No, we did that yesterday. I don't want to do that. JOHN: Well, then what do you want to do? PASSENGER: I don't know. Something. WALL-E: Whoa! JOHN: Look, I'm tired of having the same argument over and over. PASSENGER: Bot, over here. WALL-E: Whoa! JONH: I'm in a tunnel. I can't hear you. PASSENGER: There you are. SHIP'S COMPUTER: Buy N Large. Everything you need to be happy. Your day is very important to us. JOHN: Hey, drink-bot. Here, take the cuptake the cup. Hey, take the cup! Whoa!
WALL-E: Uh-oh.
SHIP'S COMPUTER: Please remain stationary. A service-bot will be here to assist you momentarily. JOHN: Stewards! Hello! SHIP'S COMPUTER: Please remain stationary. JOHN: Help. SHIP'S COMPUTER: A service-bot will be here to assist you momentarily. JOHN: What's that? What's going on? WALL-E: WALL-E. JOHN: Uh... John. WALL-E: EVE? JOHN: Uh, no. John. WALL-E: EVE! JOHN: Bye, WALL-E. NAN-E: A is for Axiom, your home sweet home. B is for Buy N Large, your very best friend.A is for Axiom, your home sweet home. B is for Buy N Large, your very best friend. SHIP'S COMPUTER: Mmm! Time for lunch in a cup. Feel beautiful. PR-T THE BEAUTICIAN-BOT: It's the new you. Stunning. You look great... I know, honey. Men. SHIP'S COMPUTER: Attention, Axiom shoppers. Try blue, it's the new red.Try blue, it's the new red.
PASSENGERS: Ooh! Love blue.
MARY: Date? Don't get me started on the date. Every holo-date I have been on has been a virtual disaster. If I could just meet oneIf I could just meet one one who wasn't so superficial. There are no good men out there. I know. I know because I've... What the...
WALL-E: Whoa!
MARY: Huh?
WALL-E: Yoo-hoo. WALL-E.
MARY: Uh... Mary. WALL-E: EVE.
MARRY: Huh? Oh! Um, sure. You go ahead. WALL-E: EVE. PASSENGER: Shade! MARY: I didn't know we had a pool!
AUTO: Captain, you are needed on the bridge.

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