Dialogues with picturesTIGGER: Hmm. Needs more salt. Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Hey, guys, wait for Tigger! CHRISTOPHER ROBIN: Dear Santa. Well, guys, you've been awfully good this year. What kind of presents would you ask for? RABBIT: I'd like a new flyswatter to keep the bugs off my carrots. CHRISTOPHER ROBIN: A flyswatter for... WINNIE THE POOH: Christopher Robin, could Santa also bring Rabbit a small smackerel of honey? Just in case certain guests drop in? CHRISTOPHER ROBIN: Eeyore? EEYORE: Could use an umbrella to keep the snow off my house. Not that it matters if I don't get one. WINNIE THE POOH: And a jar of honey for Eeyore, too. TIGGER: Think Sandy Claus will bring me a snowshoe for my tail? I take a size four, triple E. RABBIT: Now why would you want that? TIGGER: Allow me to demonsterate. RABBIT: Oh, yes. I see what you mean. Mmm-hmm. CHRISTOPHER ROBIN: What about you, Piglet? PIGLET: Oh, dear. I really haven't been able to decide. Whatever Santa wants to bring is fine with me. WINNIE THE POOH: Perhaps Piglet would also like a few pots of... CHRISTOPHER ROBIN: Of honey? WINNIE THE POOH: However did you guess? Wait, Christopher Robin, we almost forgot. What do you want for Christmas? CHRISTOPHER ROBIN: All I want is a sled. One big enough for me and maybe a friend or two. That's it then. Next stop, the North Pole. ALL: Hooray! PIGLET: It's on its way! WINNIE THE POOH: There it goes! PIGLET: Oh, dear. I do hope I'm not too late. WINNIE THE POOH: Hello, Piglet. How do you like my Christmas tree? PIGLET: Oh, it's very nice, Pooh, but... WINNIE THE POOH: I know. It seems as if I have forgotten, oh... Something. PIGLET: Yes, Pooh, you did. WINNIE THE POOH: Of course! It needs a present beneath it. PIGLET: But that's what I came to tell you, Pooh. When we wrote to Santa, you didn't ask for a present. WINNIE THE POOH: Oh, bother. PIGLET: Whatever will we do, Pooh? WINNIE THE POOH: We shall swoop from the sky and snatch the letter before Santa gets it. Are we ready to swoop yet, Piglet? PIGLET: Almost, Pooh. Are you sure this balloon can carry both of us? Oh, thank you, Pooh! WINNIE THE POOH: Hey, look! Our letter to Santa. EEYORE: Not much of a stocking. Just right for not much of a house. TIGGER: Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Hiya, Eeyore. EEYORE: Sure could use that umbrella. Hope Santa brings it. TIGGER: Of course he will. We wrote a letter from the heart. Well, right now, he's probably readin' it, and his beady little eyes is welling up with tears. I bet you he's drowning in sorrows. We're talkin' Niagara Falls here. WINNIE THE POOH: Tigger, would you have a pencil about you? TIGGER: A pencil, pencil, pencil... Oh! Nah. But I bet Rabbit has. RABBIT: There! How festive! Christmas carolers. No, not my carrots! Get out! Take this! Take that! Take some of these! Out! Out! Out! Not this time, you... PIGLET: Excuse us, Rabbit, could we borrow a pencil? RABBIT: Oh, it's only you. TIGGER: Hey, Long Ears, is that the kind of thing you want Sandy Claus to see? RABBIT: Quick! Help me decorate it again, or Santa might not bring my new flyswatter. PIGLET: Oh, he won't bring Pooh's present either if we can't borrow a pencil. RABBIT: Pencil, pencil. What present? Pooh never even asked for... Pooh, I forgot, you didn't ask Santa for a present. WINNIE THE POOH: I know. RABBIT: Quick, the letter. We've got to get it back. WINNIE THE POOH: I did. RABBIT: What are you waiting for? Put down a present for Pooh. WINNIE THE POOH: He can't. RABBIT: Why not? WINNIE THE POOH: You have the pencil, Rabbit. RABBIT: Right. Here. WINNIE THE POOH: Now let me see. I believe what I wanted was a... Oh, no. I should really like to have a... Or perhaps a... RABBIT: Oh, just give him a pot of honey. WINNIE THE POOH: Why, thank you, Rabbit. PIGLET: One pot of... RABBIT: You're welcome, Pooh. Since he's been so good this year, why don't you make it two pots of honey? PIGLET: Two pots of... WINNIE THE POOH: Oh, Rabbit, you are indeed most generous. Is there something I could ask of Santa for you? RABBIT: Why, Pooh, how nice. Actually... WINNIE THE POOH: Two flyswatters for Rabbit. PIGLET: Two flyswatters. RABBIT: Thank you. But I really have everything I've... Well, there is one thing. A sprayer that'll take care of those bugs forever. Been wanting one for years, but been afraid to ask. WINNIE THE POOH: Then I shall ask for you. Piglet. Could we have one of, whatever those are, for our dear friend, Rabbit? TIGGER: Say, can I ask for something for somebody? Can I? Can I? Eeyore wants an umbrella for his house, but what he really needs is a new house. Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! No, two houses. Oh, split the difference. Make it a whole condominimum. EEYORE: Well, thanks. WINNIE THE POOH: And four snowshoes for Tigger, so he can bounce six times higher. TIGGER: Say, I like this guy's mathematicals. RABBIT: No, spring-powered snowshoes so he can bounce halfway to the moon. TIGGER: Thanks, Rabbit. And ten pots of honey for Pooh. EEYORE: Eleven. RABBIT: It's the season of giving. TIGGER: Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! This is gonna be the bestest Christmas of all! PIGLET: Christmas? Oh, dear, what time is it? RABBIT: Half past the day before Christmas. ALL: The day before Christmas? RABBIT: Oh, my gosh! Quick! Quick! TIGGER: Get that to Sandy, hasty posty. WINNIE THE POOH: But aren't you coming with us? TIGGER: With all the stuff we're getting, we gotta find a bigger tree to put it under. NOTE: To watch the pictures in high resolution, click on themWatch other parts of movie |
A Very Merry Pooh Year (2002) |
2 ask Santa for a present |
3 bring Christmas to everyone |
4 letter to the North Pole |
5 our New Year's resolutions |
6 we could all change |
7 whatever are you looking for |
8 be more of who you are |