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Thousands of dogs

Quotes from Bambi II with Thumper, Friend Owl, Bambi, Flower, Faline, and snapshot picture
Bambi II - Thousands of dogs - snapshot picture   THUMPER: It was raining and thundering. It didn't look good for the young prince. There were thousands of dogs, but Bambi wasn't a bit scared. They came closer... and closer. There was nowhere to go. Then a dog that was tall as a tree roared from the shadows, but Bambi was too fast. He jumped up... THUMPER's SISTER: High in the air. THUMPER: And then came crashing... THUMPER's SISTER: Crashing down. Right on the big dog's head. THUMPER: Quiet. I'm telling it. But the best part was... THUMPER's SISTER: The best part was when Thumper helped Flower make his bravest brave face. ALL FOUR: And scared all the dogs away. Oops. THUMPER: Uh-huh. That's how it went. ALL FOUR: Hooray for Thumper! THUMPER's SISTER: Look who's here. THUMPER's SISTER: Oh, the young prince. ALL FOUR: Hooray! THUMPER: You know, they're OK for sisters. Just too bad they're girls. FALINE: Hey. THUMPER: Oops. What do you know, Bambi! BAMBI: Ooh! FRIEND OWL: Well, looks like those antlers are finally coming in. BAMBI: Really? I hadn't noticed. FALINE: Thumper's been telling us quite a story. FRIEND OWL: Yes, yes. The one with the thousands of dogs. BAMBI: Thousands? THUMPER: What can I say? I'm a born storyteller. FALINE: I'll bet it seemed like a thousand dogs. BAMBI: Oh!
FALINE: Ooh! FRIEND OWL: Twitterpated. FLOWER: What's twitterpated? FRIEND OWL: Well, it's... I'll tell you when you're older.

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  Thousands of dogs
Thousands of dogs
Bambi II (2006)
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