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The Emperor's New Groove part 7 we have to get back

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Movie transcript with snapshot pictures part 7 KRONK: The peasant at the diner! He didn't pay his check. He's the peasant who I saw leaving the city who disappeared into the crowd with Kuzco on the back of his cart. He must have taken him back to his villageHe must have taken him back to his village, so if we find the village, we find him and if we find him, we find Kuzco. Oh, yeah, it's all comin' together. Yzma! YZMA: What? This had better be good! PACHA: So there we were standing on the cliff, and the ground started to rumble. And just as it started to go, he grabbed me before I fell. Do you believe thatDo you believe that? CHICHA: So remind me again how you're related to Pacha? YZMA: Why, I'm his third cousin's brother's wife's step-niece's great aunt. Twice removed. CHICHA: Uh-huh. YZMA: Isn't that right, Kronk? CHACA: Ninety-nine monkeys jumpin' on the bed. KRONK: One fell off and bumped his head. CHICHA: You know, I am so sorry that you had to come all this way but as I said to you before, you may recall, Pacha is not here. I'll be sure and tell him you came by. YZMA: Oh, would you, please? That would be just great. Oops. Silly me. CHICHA: No, no. Allow me. YZMA: She's hiding something. When I give the word, we search the house. KRONK: Okay, but I still have 94 monkeys to goOkay, but I still have 94 monkeys to go. YZMA: So while we're waiting for Paca... CHICHA: Pacha. YZMA: Yeah, I... Oh, yes. Um, perhaps we can have a tour of your lovely home. CHICHA: You know, why don't you just come back when Pacha gets home? I'm sure he'd love to show you the... Uh, excuse me, won't you? I think I left something in the oven. KRONK: This is my variation of double Dutch. On the signal, we switch places. YZMA: Kronk, it's time! KRONK: Okay. PACHA: So we have to get back to the palaceSo we have to get back to the palace, find the lab and change him back. EMPEROR KUZCO AS LLAMA: Hi there! PACHA: Um, that was him. CHICHA: Whoops. TIPO: You know what? I don't believe you're really my great aunt. You're more like my great-great-great... CHICHA: Go. I'll stall them long enough for you two to get a head startI'll stall them long enough for you two to get a head start. PACHA: Thanks, honey. EMPEROR KUZCO AS LLAMA: You have a lovely wife. They're both very pretty. TIPO: great-great-great-great-great... YZMA: All right! Are you through? TIPO: great-great aunt. CHICHA: So, where were we? YZMA: Listen, sister, we're not leaving until... CHICHA: I show you the house, of course. EMPEROR KUZCO AS LLAMA: Hey, was it a good idea to leave your family with those two? PACHA: Oh, don't worry. They can handle themselves. CHICHA: What do you mean, the door is stuckWhat do you mean, the door is stuck? Try jiggling the handle. YZMA: There is no handle in here. CHICHA: There's not? Are you sure? YZMA: All right, I've had enough of this. Tell us where the talking llama iswhere the talking llama is PEASANT MOTHER: Okay, children, on your mark get set, go! YZMA: Stop it, you little brats! Huh? Ow! Oh, there they go, Kronk! And... They're getting away! KRONK: Well, I had a great time. Let's not wait until the next family reunion to get together. YZMA: Kronk! KRONK: I gotta run.
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Watch other parts of movie
The Emperor's New Groove (2000)
The Emperor's New Groove (2000)
  2 when I give the word
2 when I give the word
  3 look at that guy
3 look at that guy
  4 you change your mind
4 you change your mind
5 back to the palace
5 back to the palace
  6 you want a special order
6 you want a special order
  7 we have to get back
7 we have to get back
  8 to be one of these
8 to be one of these