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DORY: I'm going to P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney. Where are you going? I'm going to P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney. If you're askin' where I'm goin'. I'll tell you that's where I'm going. It's P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney. Where? I'm sorry, I didn't hear you. P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way...
MARLIN: Excuse me. Ex-excuse me, um, hi. Do you know how to get to...hello? Wait! Can you tell me... hey! Hold it! Wait a minute! I'm trying to talk to you. Okay, fellas, come back here. Please, one quick question. I need to and they're gone again.
DORY: P. Sherman 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney. Why do I have to tell you over and over again? I'll tell you again. I don't get tired of it...
MARLIN: Okay, all right.
DORY: Huh?
MARLIN: Here's the thing.
DORY: Huh.
MARLIN: You know, I just, I think it's best if I just, if I just, carry on from here by myself.
DORY: Okay.
MARLIN: Y'know, alone.
DORY: Uh-huh.
MARLIN: Without, without... well, I mean, not without you. I mean, it's just that I don't want you... with me.
DORY: Huh?
MARLIN: I don't wanna hurt your feelings...
DORY: You want me to leave?
MARLIN: Well, I mean not... yes, yeah. It's just that you know I just can't afford anymore delays and you're one of those fish that cause delays. And sometimes it's a good thing. There's a whole group of fish. They're... delay fish.
DORY: You mean... you mean you don't like me?
MARLIN: No, of course I like you. It's because I like you I don't wanna be with you. It's a complicated emotion. Oh, don't cry. I like you.
MOONFISH LEADER: Hey, you! Lady, is this guy botherin' you?
DORY: Um, I don't remember. Were you?
MARLIN: No, no. We're just, we're... hey, do you guys know how I can get to...
MOONFISH LEADER: Look, pal. We're talkin' to the lady, not you. Hey-hey, you like impressions?
DORY: Mm-mm.
MOONFISH LEADER: Okay. Just like in rehearsals, gentlemen. So, what are we? Take a guess.
DORY: Oh, oh, I've seen one of those.
I'm a fish with a nose like a sword.
DORY: Wait, wait, um...
MARLIN: It's a swordfish.
MOONFISH LEADER: Hey, clown boy! Let the lady guess. Where's the butter?
DORY: Oh! It's on the tip of my tongue.
MARLIN: Lobster.
MOONFISH LEADER: Lots of legs, lives in the ocean.
DORY: Clam!
MOONFISH LEADER: Close enough. Oh, it's a whale of a tale, I'll tell you lad, a whale of a tale.
DORY: Oh, they're good.
MARLIN: Will somebody please give me directions?
MOONFISH LEADER: Will somebody please give me directions?
DORY: Ha ha ha!
MARLIN: I'm serious.
MOONFISH LEADER: Blah! Me, blah!
MARLIN: Thank you.
DORY: Oh dear. Hey, hey come back! Hey, what's the matter?
MARLIN: What's the matter? While they're doing their silly little impressions, I am miles from home, with a fish that can't even remember her own name.
DORY: Boy, bet that's frustrating.
MARLIN: Yeah. Meanwhile my son is out there.
DORY: You're son Chico?
DORY: Right. Got it.
MARLIN: But it doesn't matter, 'cause no fish in this entire ocean is gonna help me.
DORY: Well, I'm helping you. Wait right here. Hey, guys.
MOONFISH LEADER: What, is he bothering you again?
DORY: No, no, he's a good guy. Go easy on him, he's lost his son, Fabio.
Any of you heard of P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney?
MOONFISH LEADER: Sydney? Oh sure. Why, Ted here's got relatives in Sydney. Don't you, Ted?
DORY: Oh, hey! They know Sydney! You wouldn't know how to get there, would you?
MOONFISH LEADER: What you wanna do is follow the EAC, that's the East Australian Current. Big current, can't miss it, it's in that direction. And then you gotta follow that for about, I don't know, what do you guys think? About three leagues? And that little baby's gonna put you right past Sydney.
MARLIN: Great! That's great! Dory, you did it!
DORY: Oh, please. I'm just your little helper. Helping along, that's me.
MARLIN: Well, listen fellas, thank you.
MOONFISH LEADER: Don't mention it. And, uh, loosen up. Okay, buddy?
DORY: Oh, you guys. You really nailed him. Bye.
MOONFISH LEADER: Oh, hey ma'am, one more thing.
DORY: Yes.
When you come to this trench, swim through it, not over it.
DORY: Trench, through it, not over it. I'll remember. Hey, hey! Hey! Hey! Hey, wait up, partner. Hold on. Wait! Wait-wait! I got, I gotta tell you something... whoa. Nice trench. Hello! Okay, let's go.
MARLIN: Bad trench, bad trench. Come on, we're gonna swim over this thing.
DORY: Whoa, whoa, partner. Little red flag goin' up. Somethin's telling me we should swim through it, not over it.
MARLIN: Are you even looking at this thing? It's got death written all over it.
DORY: I'm sorry, but I really, really, really think we should swim through.
MARLIN: And I'm really, really done talking about this. Over we go.
DORY: Come on, trust me on this.
MARLIN: Trust you?
DORY: Yes, trust. It's what friends do.
MARLIN: Look! Something shiny!
DORY: Where?
MARLIN: Oh, it just swam over the trench. Come on, we'll follow it.
DORY: Okay.
DORY: Boy, sure is clear up here.
MARLIN: Exactly. And look at that, there's the current. We should be there in no time.
DORY: Hey, little guy.
MARLIN: You wanted to go through the trench.
DORY: I shall call him Squishy and he shall be mine and he shall be my Squishy. Come here, Squishy. Come here, little Squishy.
MARLIN: Dory! That's a jellyfish!
DORY: Bad Squishy! Bad Squishy!
MARLIN: Shoo, shoo! Get away! Come here, let me see.
DORY: Don't touch it! Don't touch it!
MARLIN: I'm not gonna touch it. I just wanna look.
DORY: Heeey, how come it didn't sting you?
MARLIN: It did. It's just that...
DORY: Ow! Ow, oww!
MARLIN: ...hold still. I live in this anemone and I'm, I'm, I'm used to these kind of stings. Come here.
DORY: Ow, ow! Oww!
MARLIN: It doesn't look bad, you're gonna be fine. But now we know, don't we?
DORY: Yeah.
MARLIN: That we don't wanna touch these again. Let's be thankful this time it was just a little one.
MARLIN: Don't move! This is bad, Dory.
DORY: Hey, watch this! Boing! Boing!
DORY: Boing-boing-boing! You can't catch me!
MARLIN: Dory! Don't bounce on the tops! They will..not sting you. The tops don't sting you, that's it!
DORY: Ooh! Two in a row, beat that.
MARLIN: Dory! All right, listen to me. I have an idea, a game.
DORY: A game?
MARLIN: A game.
DORY: A game?
DORY: Aah! I love games! Pick me!
MARLIN: All right, here's the game. Um,
whoever can hop the fastest out of these jellyfish
DORY: Okay!
MARLIN: Rules, rules, rules!
DORY: Okay!
MARLIN: You can't touch the tentacles, only the tops.
DORY: Something about tentacles, got it. On your mark, get set, go!
MARLIN: Wait! Wait! Not something about them, it's all about them! Wait!
DORY: Weeee!
DORY: Gotta go faster if you wanna win!
DORY: Boing! Boing! Boing-boing-boing-boing!
MARLIN: Wait a minute... whoa! Dory!
DORY: Weeee!
MARLIN: So, we're cheating death now. That's what we're doin'. We're havin' fun at the same time. I can do this, just be careful.
DORY: Yeah, careful I don't make you cry when I win!
MARLIN: Oh, I don't think so!
DORY: Ha ha ha ha! Whooo! Give it up, old man. You can't fight evolution, I was built for speed.
MARLIN: The question is, Dory, are you hungry?
DORY: Huh? Hungry?
MARLIN: Yeah, 'cause you're about to eat my bubbles! Duck to the left! Right there! The clownfish is the winner! Woohoo! We did it! We're gonna... Dory? Oh no. Dory! Dory! Dory! Dory! Uggghhh!
DORY: Am I disqualified?
MARLIN: No, you're doing fine! You're, you're actually winning! But you gotta stay awake. Uh, where does P. Sherman live?
DORY: P... Sherman... Wallaby Way... Sydney...
MARLIN: That's it! Oww! Ow! Stay awake! Stay awake! Ow! Stay awake! Stay... awake!
DORY: Awake... P... Sherman
MARLIN: Awake...
DORY: 42 Wallaby Way...
MARLIN: Awake... wake up... Nemo...
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