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True hero on Earth

video quotes from Hercules (1997) with Zeus, Philoctetes, Hercules, Pegasus
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HERCULES: ...your godhood will be restored. HERCULES: A true hero. Great! Uh, exactly how do you become a true herohow do you become a true hero? ZEUS: First, you must seek out Philoctetes, the trainer of heroes. HERCULES: Seek out Philoctetes. Right. I'll Whoa! ZEUS: Whoa! Hold your horses! Which reminds me. Ha-ha! You probably don't remember PegasusYou probably don't remember Pegasus but you two go way back, son. HERCULES: Oh, Pegasus!
ZEUS: He's a magnificent horse with the brain of a bird.
HERCULES: I'll find Philoctetes, become a true hero! ZEUS: That's the spirit!
HERCULES: I won't let you down, Father!
ZEUS: Yee-hah! Good luck, son.
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