KIARA: Daddy? You have to promise to let me do this on my own. Promise?
SIMBA: All right. I promise.
SIMBA: Make sure she doesn't get hurt.
TIMON: Ah! Mm.
NUKA: This place is even creepier since the hyenas ran off.
VITANI: Oh, sheesh.
NUKA: I'm not scared, okay? I just don't know why we have to be here, that's all. If Kovu is so special, why does he need us? I never even had a chance!
VITANI: That's it! Well, come on. Kiara has started her hunt. We have to move quickly.
NUKA: Ow, fire!
TIMON: Tango Charlie Alpha. What's your position?
PUMBAA: Uh... upright? Head turned slightly to the left, tail erect.
TIMON: Why do I bother? Aha!
TIMON: This must be where the deer and the antelope play.
KIARA: Timon, what are you doing here?
TIMON: Uh, shopping! We thought a nice pelt for the den, some throw pillows, a little potpourri...
KIARA: My father sent you. After he promised to let me do this on my own, he lied.
TIMON: No. He just doesn't want you to get hurt.
KIARA: I should have known he'd never give me a real chance. I'll do this on my own! Away from the pride lands.
TIMON: Hey! Wait! Come back! Ah!
PUMBAA: Look behind you!TIMON: Kiara! Come back! Oh-ho! She's gone again. Somebody's gotta get a beeper for this kid.
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