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You were really brave

Quotes from The Lion King II with Kovu, Kiara, and snapshot picture
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The Lion King II - You were really brave - snapshot picture KOVU: Who are you, pride lander? What are you doing? KIARA: My father says to never turn your back on an outsider. KOVU: You always do what Daddy says? KIARA: No! KOVU: Bet ya do! Bet you're Daddy's little girl. An outsider doesn't need anybody. I take care of myself. KIARA: Really? Cool!
KIARA: Run! This way! KOVU: That was a close one. KIARA: Yeah. KOVU: Scoot! Whoa!
KIARA: Hey, what about me?
KOVU: I'll distract him! Run! Whoops!
KIARA: Look out! Move it!
KIARA: I did it! I did it! Ho, man, did you see the size of those teeth? They were going, "Rr, rr, rr, rr." He just totally ate me up right there, and I jumped on his head, and I popped him so good! We make such a good team! And you... You were really brave.
KOVU: Yeah? You were pretty brave too. My name's Kovu.
KIARA: I'm Kiara.
KIARA: Tag! You're it! Tag! You're it! You're it! Hello? You run, I tag. Get it? What's the matter? Don't you know how to play?

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  part 2
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