Movie transcript with snapshot pictures part 5
WINNIE THE POOH: I like that song. Ha ha ha ha ha.
CHRISTOPHER: Silly old bear.
PIGLET: Would you like a haycorn, Pooh?
No, thank you, but a cookie would be nice.
Ha. Or a banana. Ow! Christopher Robin, perhaps I could find it easier if only I was sure. That is, if I knew what the North Pole looked like. Mmm.
CHRISTOPHER: Well, it's kind of... It's sort of, well, I suppose we'll know exactly what it is when we see it.
ROO: Are we there yet? Whoa! Pooh!
WINNIE THE POOH: Ho ho! I just fed my tummy, and it's still calling me.
ROO: Ha ha ha! Hey, look at me, Pooh!
ROO: Pooh, I'm swimming!
WINNIE THE POOH: Just a moment, Roo. I'm talking to my tummy.
Well, of course you're swimming.
You shouldn't have had that second cookie.
PIGLET: That's not your stomach, Pooh. It's Roo!
WINNIE THE POOH: Oh, my! Roo, I don't believe expeditions usually go into the water.
RABBIT: Quick! Don't panic, Kanga. Everything's fine here! Nobody's in any kind of a... especially not Roo! Ha ha! Do something! Everyone, do anything!
TIGGER: Don't worry, Roo, boy! I'll save ya!
ROO: Thanks, Tigger, but I don't think I need saving.
PIGLET: I can help!
TIGGER: Piglet, stay here out of the way while we save Roo!
We don't want to have to rescue two little guys!
EEYORE: Catch onto my tail, Roo. I'll pull ya out. Just tell me when you're on.
ROO: Oops!
WINNIE THE POOH: Rabbit, Roo? Are we going swimming?
Maybe we can use this to save
RABBIT: Give me a push, Pooh!
WINNIE THE POOH: Thank you, Piglet.
RABBIT: Ha ha. Now I've got him! Faster, Pooh! Faster! Pooh?
WINNIE THE POOH: Where is he, Rabbit?
RABBIT:Pooh! Look the other way! I can see him perfectly from here!
WINNIE THE POOH: Are you sure, Rabbit?
You're right. You can see better from up here.
There he is!
ROO: Ha ha ha! Whoa!
KANGA: Roo, are you OK?
TIGGER: I gotcha, Roo! I gotcha! Here he is, Kanga! Ta-da! Oh, where'd he go?
OWL: My Great Uncle Rupert...
CHRISTOPHER: Pooh bear? Pooh bear! Pooh bear!
ROO: You can rescue me now. I'm gettin' kinda tired.
PIGLET: Use the pole! Use the pole!
TIGGER: No time for fishing, Piglet! We gotta save Roo!
PIGLET: Grab on, Roo!
ROO: Hee hee hee!
PIGLET: Pooh, could you hold this?
ROO: Hee hee hee! Did you see me swimmin'? That's called swimmin', what I was doing.
CHRISTOPHER: Pooh bear! Pooh bear!
Where did you find that stick?
WINNIE THE POOH: What, uh, stick?
CHRISTOPHER: That stick!
WINNIE THE POOH: Well, I was standing here without a stick and then I had a stick, so, maybe the stick found me.
Assembled adventurers, the expedition is over
for Pooh has discovered the North Pole!
TIGGER: Hoo hoo! Well, I'll be. That's the North Pole, all right, all righty!
RABBIT: I should have seen it myself!
PIGLET: But... but... oh... well... eureka!
ALL: Eureka! Yay!
PIGLET: Hooray for Pooh!
TIGGER: Polerific!
RABBIT: Hooray!
TIGGER: Positively magnetic!
CHRISTOPHER: Goodness! Where's Eeyore?
EEYORE: Did ya grab on yet, Roo? Roo? Somebody. Anybody?
WINNIE THE POOH: Hooray for Pooh.
I always liked that story. It has such a lovely end.
ROO: But nobody said hooray for Piglet. He was so brave for someone so small.
TIGGER: And Piglets hate water. Hoo hoo. Come to think of it, so do Tiggers. W-y-yooouh! Wha-ha! Thank you, tail!
WINNIE THE POOH: Thank you, Piglet, wherever you are.
ROO: Look! Piglet's scarf!
RABBIT: That's it! Come on, let's go!
EEYORE: Missed him again.
WINNIE THE POOH: Oh, my. You know Piglet's scarf never goes anywhere without Piglet.
RABBIT: Oh! This is more serious than I thought! Maybe he's in grave danger.
TIGGER: Maybe Heffalumps got him!
ROO: Heffalumps?
TIGGER: Or, or Woozles!
ROO: W-Woozles?
RABBIT: And now he's out there somewhere with a storm brewing in. Oh, goodness!
ROO: Goodness! Do you think he's gonna be all right?
WINNIE THE POOH: Piglet shall be very all right, indeed. Don't let his small size worry you.
EEYORE: Yep. Once he even made a whole house.
ROO: He did?
WINNIE THE POOH: Do you know the story of The House at Pooh Corner?
ROO: Mmm, no.
RABBIT: Oh, yes. It's right here.
EEYORE: Page three.
RABBIT: On page four.
EEYORE:That's after three.
WINNIE THE POOH: Oh, it's a lovely tale. Don't you think so, Tigger? Tigger?
RABBIT: Pooh Corner. Remember?
TIGGER: Oh, yeah!
ROO: Is this story about Piglet, too?
WINNIE THE POOH: Why, yes, Roo, it is. He seems to be the hero of every story.
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