Jiminy Cricket
As an introductory role in Pinocchio (1940) (he is the one who starts the film singing us "When You Wish Upon A Star"), Jiminy Cricket is the character that subtly mark the message of this wonderful story and to the question "If your heart is in your dreams, the dream can become true?" gives us an affirmative answer. As Pinocchio's conscience, Jiminy Cricket advises the wooden boy during his many adventures and try to keep him away from any danger. He is smart, good-hearted, loyal and turns out to be a very good friend to Pinocchio, sticking around and accompanying him wherever he went. If at the beginning of the film, Jiminy Cricket refuse to believe in things like magic, fairies and wishes came true, after the incredible adventure he went through along with Pinocchio, he radically changed his way of thinking. So, the little cricket gladly wants to share his experience with all the children: "let me tell you what made me change my mind" and starts to tell the amazing story of Pinocchio. On a beautiful night he arrives in "the only sign of life" in the little village, the house of Geppetto and his pets, Figaro and Cleo. As he was warming up, Jiminy Cricket takes a look around and discovers a lot of beautiful things carved of wood but the most fascinating off all which catches his eye is a wooden puppet: "You know, one of those marionette things, all strings and joints. Cute little fella!" Then he spots Geppetto and hears his wish before bedtime namely that the puppet could be a real live boy, thing that the cricket finds lovely but impossible. Later that night, Jiminy is surprised by the Blue Fairy's appearance and amazed when he witnesses how she brings the puppet to life: "Whew! What they can't do those days!" When she asks him to be Pinocchio's conscience, blown away and intimidated by her beauty, Jiminy blushes, starts babbling but accepts the position and receives a brand new costume suited for his job. And to better serve the role of "counselor in moments of temptation and guide along the straight and narrow path", Jiminy Cricket tells Pinocchio to "Give A Little Whistle" and he will come to his aid. The day after, Jiminy wakes up late and when he finds Pinocchio who should have went to school, he discovers that two crooks, Honest John and Gideon, misled and encouraged the boy to be an actor. Even though Jiminy Cricket tries to convince Pinocchio that going to school is the right thing to do, the wooden boy agrees to perform in Stromboli's show. However, after the spectacle is over the puppeteer traps Pinocchio in a cage from where Jiminy unsuccessfully makes efforts to release him. The cricket proves to be a kind and merciful creature, instantly forgiving the boy for his bad deeds and disobedience when he finds him in danger. They eventually escape from Stromboli with the Blue Fairy's help. On their way back home Pinocchio is again turned aside and persuaded by Honest John to travel to Pleasure Island. Jiminy follows him there with a naughty boy, Lampwick. When he tries to get Pinocchio out of there, Jiminy Cricket feels rejected hearing that Pinocchio considers the other boy his best friend: "And what am I? Just your Conscience." He is determined to leave, but when he figures out that all the boys are turned into donkeys and then were sold by Coachman, the malefic island's owner, runs back to alert Pinocchio to escape. He accompanies the boy on his journey to the sea in order to save Geppetto, proving to be very brave and unselfish and willing to do anything for his friend even if it's risky and dangerous. When the Blue Fairy revives the puppet and turns it into a real boy he is filled with joy and appreciation, expressing his gratitude: "Thank you, milady. He deserved to be a real boy!" and also receives a golden badge which certifies he's an Official Conscience!
Jiminy Cricket pictures with quotes