Tarzan II (2005)watch an adventurous movie created by Walt Disney Home Entertainment, sequel to Tarzan; the film tell us about the man-cub ape family, and how helped by his best friends, Terk (ape "cousin") and Tantor (a cub elephant), Tarzan found his true waySongs from original soundtracks: Son Of Man, Leaving Home (Find My Way), Who Am I Quotes TANTOR: There's no such thing as the Zugor. He's nothing but an imaginary figment. TARZAN: Terk was pretending so I could practice running for my life. I'm too slow. If I don't get faster, something terribleis gonna get me. TERK: You're the worst ape ever. If the Zugor ever did come down from Dark Mountain, you'd be digested by now. Watch, read or share the full quotes |
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KALA: You need your family, Tarzan, and your family needs you.
TARZAN: Nobody needs me. KALA: I do. And I always will. more TERK: The game just wouldn't be the same without Tarzan. You know? I can't believe he's gone. TANTOR: Terk! Tarzan's alive! TERK: That's impossible. TANTOR: But I heard him. He was saying, "Don't tell anyone." TERK: You've been in the sun too long. Take two mangoes, call me in the morning. TANTOR: I heard Tarzan's voice coming from up on Dark Mountain. more UTO: I know. Let's throw her off a cliff and see if she can fly. KAGO: Gorillas can't fly. UTO: Oh, yeah? How do you know? KAGO: Because we are gorillas. more ZUGOR: For me? TARZAN: Sure. For your old bones. Like your mom used to make. Try it out. ZUGOR: This wasn't part of the deal. TARZAN: I know. ZUGOR: It's good. Sleeping on air. I don't know what you are, Tarzan, but you're pretty clever. ZUGOR: I thought you were my friend and you betrayed me. It was the first rule, and I broke it. TARZAN: Zugor, please. I know I messed everything up, but you've got to help. ZUGOR: Boo-hoo. TARZAN: It's my family. ZUGOR: Remember how you saved us from that rhino? And made that great hammock? And got those bananas? You do things no one else can. Kid, you're a Tarzan. Now, go get 'em. MAMA GUNDA: Get out of here, you ratty old thing. ZUGOR: Ratty? You hit every branch when you fell out of the ugly tree. MAMA GUNDA: Well, you're so bony, I bet the vultures wouldn't even want you. ZUGOR: Hey, the hippo called. He wants his body back. TARZAN: I'm sorry I left, Mom. But I didn't want to hurt you. KALA: Hurt me? Tarzan, you saved me. KAGO AND UTO: Mama! Watch, read or share the full quotes Cast as voices Harrison Chad as Tarzan Glenn Close as Kala Brenda Grate as Terk Harrison Fahn as Tantor George Carlin as Zugor Brad Garrett as Uto Ron Perlman as Kago Estelle Harris as Mama Gunda Lance Henriksen as Kerchak Connor Hutcherson as Tonka |
Zugor - an old solitary ape living on Dark Mountain |
Mama Gunda - a female ape, mother of Kago and Uto |
Kago - a silverback gorilla, Uto's brother |
Uto - a clumsy ape, Kago's brother |
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Tarzan II (2005) |
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