IRENE BULLOCK: The man that pushed it sang a beautiful song. It was beautiful.
You close your eyes and the man was Godfrey.
IRENE BULLOCK: I didn't even mind the smell.
It was very convenient to take a trip abroad without leaving the kitchen.
IRENE BULLOCK: Oh, you have a wonderful sense of humor. I wish I had a sense of humor. But I never can think of the right thing to say.
GODFREY: I beg your pardon? I'm sorry, but I didn't quite hear...
IRENE BULLOCK: I said, I'm not really having a spell.
GODFREY: I didn't say I was going any place with Miss Cornelia.
IRENE BULLOCK: I know, but you will. She always makes everybody do just as she likes.
GODFREY: But why should you care whether I meet her or not?
IRENE BULLOCK: I do care, that's why Cornelia's the one who doesn't care.
GODFREY: I think I should decide those things for myself.
IRENE BULLOCK: Oh, Godfrey, I don't want to be annoying, but I... Oh!
GODFREY: Oh, see here... You can't do that. Please, snap out of it. This is the craziest family. Now see here, stop this nonsense. Do you hear? If you're faking one of your spells to keep me from meeting Cornelia, you're on the wrong track, you hear? Do you hear?
GODFREY: Must be some smelling salts. Are you feeling better? No? Just a minute. Godfrey knows how to take care of little Irene. Yes, indeed.
Just lie there quietly and Godfrey will take care of everything.
Godfrey knows just how to take care of these nasty old faints. That's the girl. Come right up here. There you are. Godfrey will soon fix Irene. Yes, indeed. Just leave everything to Godfrey. Godfrey will take care of everything. Now, you just sit right down there like a good girl, and in just a minute
you'll forget that you had any trouble.
GODFREY: I thought so. Let that be a lesson to you.
IRENE BULLOCK: Godrey! Oh, Godfrey, don't go away! Oh, Godfrey, now I know you love me.
GODFREY: I do not love you!
IRENE BULLOCK: You do! You lose your temper.
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